
Prevailing Wage Corruption

Hello all! Long story short I used to work for a company that did prevailing wage work and this company did not pay the guys prevailing wage. 2 of the guys got paid prevailing wage after complaining and threatening the bosses that they would go to the DOL. However, they had to sign NDA's in order to make it work. There is a whole array of people that did prevailing wage work and never got paid. They don't even know that they are owes. One of them happens to have passed away years ago. I am also owed money but they have refused to assist me in a complete manner. I was offered a fraction of the money and an NDA but I refused it because it is unethical. Plus, a good work friend of mine died while I was working there and his family never got compensated with backpaid…

Hello all!

Long story short I used to work for a company that did prevailing wage work and this company did not pay the guys prevailing wage.

2 of the guys got paid prevailing wage after complaining and threatening the bosses that they would go to the DOL. However, they had to sign NDA's in order to make it work.

There is a whole array of people that did prevailing wage work and never got paid. They don't even know that they are owes. One of them happens to have passed away years ago. I am also owed money but they have refused to assist me in a complete manner.
I was offered a fraction of the money and an NDA but I refused it because it is unethical. Plus, a good work friend of mine died while I was working there and his family never got compensated with backpaid prevailing wages. When I asked the owner about this he quite literally said as he closed the front door to his shop: “No comment.”

What do I do? I have been told if I divulge this information to all the former employees and coworkers I can be sued for a wide variety of things and I can kiss goodbye any opportunity I have in the small industry I currently work in.

I don't want to spend alot of money on this as I am not owed much but, the rest of the guys are.

I have searched and spoken to people about this and there is little to no information about this topic.

If there is some help anyone can provide here I would appreciate it!
At the very least I want to reach out to some of these guys to let them know they may be owed money but, I am concerned they may just turn on me and let my former bosses know I am barking up the wrong tree.

My situation gets more complicated but this is the basic gist of what it is going. I quit awhile ago but the river runs deep in this place.


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