
Printer desperately needs help

For the 5-6 time in my life I was a thrown a casual “hey,dude on third shift quit last night. You’re on 12 hour overnights,7 days a week from now till” I can’t do this anymore. Leave every shop I’m at because of this. It eventually leads to me not sleeping,intense irrationality and arguing with everyone and always ends with me walking out or finding the next shithole asap to avoid homelessness. I’m tired of chemical burns,being “Lead Pressman’s” bitch,intense continuous labor with no breaks or lunch and I’m super tired of the racism,drug abuse and absolutely no social life for shit pay,and benefits. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind working and understand I need to survive. What in the world can I do?

For the 5-6 time in my life I was a thrown a casual “hey,dude on third shift quit last night. You’re on 12 hour overnights,7 days a week from now till” I can’t do this anymore. Leave every shop I’m at because of this. It eventually leads to me not sleeping,intense irrationality and arguing with everyone and always ends with me walking out or finding the next shithole asap to avoid homelessness. I’m tired of chemical burns,being
“Lead Pressman’s” bitch,intense continuous labor with no breaks or lunch and I’m super tired of the racism,drug abuse and absolutely no social life for shit pay,and benefits. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind working and understand I need to survive. What in the world can I do?

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