
Pro Tip: Stop fearing/worshipping the company CEO and leverage him instead…

I just want to say that I love the the fight and the angst in this generation of workers because you guys are standing up for your rights and standing up for the rights of your fellow employees…right on! But, if I could lend one piece of advice I would say that more folks need to start making use of the CEO of the company in order to get your needs and your objectives met. I mean sure he's probably making 300 – 400 times the average employee. But he's still just that…an employee. If you're fed up enough with your job conditions that you are ready to lay it all on the line and tell your supervisor where to go, you're already at the point of no return. Why not copy the CEO on that email too? I tell you what copying the CEO on something like that does…it…

I just want to say that I love the the fight and the angst in this generation of workers because you guys are standing up for your rights and standing up for the rights of your fellow employees…right on!

But, if I could lend one piece of advice I would say that more folks need to start making use of the CEO of the company in order to get your needs and your objectives met. I mean sure he's probably making 300 – 400 times the average employee. But he's still just that…an employee.

If you're fed up enough with your job conditions that you are ready to lay it all on the line and tell your supervisor where to go, you're already at the point of no return. Why not copy the CEO on that email too?

I tell you what copying the CEO on something like that does…it means that if you sue, the CEO can be called in as a witness. Most companies don't want that to happen because discovery with the CEO involved can be a bitch and can be a downfall for the company.

So I say, if you're being harassed by a co-worker and nobody wants to do anything about it? CC the CEO on your complaint email. Is your mental health being negatively effected by your work and ready to quit? Copy the CEO on that email.

Yes, I know the CEO probably won't respond but I bet you the company will. And if in the event you have to get a lawyer to sue, you can pretty much be assured that case will be settled before going to court.

The CEO needs to earn his pay…make him earn it.

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