
Probably getting fired for attendance

Mods, you're welcome to delete if you don't feel this fits the sub. To preface this, I have a lot of autoimmune diseases and other disabling conditions. Right now I'm working part time as much as I can because disability has not gone through yet and my bills don't stop existing because I'm waiting on disability. I work for a place that I'll refer to as gillwood. Gillwood prides itself on working with disabled people, and constantly brags about how righteous they are for their work with disabled people. That was pretty much the only reason I started working for them after a year of being off work due to my health. Obviously with health issues comes problems with attendance. I understand they have an attendance policy, but their policy is absolutely ridiculous. 3 call outs is automatic termination. If you do not call out within 1 hour of your…

Mods, you're welcome to delete if you don't feel this fits the sub.

To preface this, I have a lot of autoimmune diseases and other disabling conditions. Right now I'm working part time as much as I can because disability has not gone through yet and my bills don't stop existing because I'm waiting on disability.

I work for a place that I'll refer to as gillwood. Gillwood prides itself on working with disabled people, and constantly brags about how righteous they are for their work with disabled people. That was pretty much the only reason I started working for them after a year of being off work due to my health.

Obviously with health issues comes problems with attendance. I understand they have an attendance policy, but their policy is absolutely ridiculous. 3 call outs is automatic termination. If you do not call out within 1 hour of your shift starting, it's an automatic no-call no-show, regardless of whether you call later on or not. EVERYTHING gets marked against your attendance, regardless of the reason behind it. Experience heat exhaustion because there's no cooling system in the warehouse? Too bad, either stay or have it marked against your attendance. Have an emergency with one of your pets? Its going against your attendance. Be discriminated against by a coworker and aren't comfortable staying on shift? Get used to it or your fired for attendance.

I had to leave work early on Sunday due to heat exhaustion. I was extremely sick all day because of it, and I know if I didn't take care of it and left when I did, I would have ended up passing out and getting severely injured on the job from the heat. A coworker on one of my days off last week got a temp reading of 87°, in one of the cooler parts of our working area. We have even had variables pull out of working on days due to heat exhaustion. We have no AC where we're working, and the swamp cooler broke, though it never worked properly in the first place.

I've been discriminated against and bullied by coworkers for my mental health problems and autism. They haven't done anything to help the issue, and it's caused me to leave early on multiple occasions. The treatment is causing my agoraphobia to continue to become worse, and the thought of going to work in these conditions is causing daily severe panic attacks, before and during work. I literally cried in the bathroom on Sunday because I had to leave for my safety from the heat and I was terrified of getting in trouble.

This morning I had an emergency with one of my pets; my support dog actually. Ive been up since before 4am with him, and obviously had to call out of work. My dog is infinitely more important than working at Gillwood. But calling in, the store manager essentially threatened me, saying she needs to “look into my attendance actually” because I had this emergency and I'm not leaving my dog.

I'm most likely being fired today because I have disabilities that make working extremely difficult and, like every parent (or pet parent) experiences occasionally, I had an emergency today.

I am at my wits end with Gillwood and my job in general, and I have no idea what I am doing from here. Sorry for the very long rant. I just have no clue what to do and needed somewhere to vent about it all where I can get ideas on how to go forward.

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