
Probably getting laid off next week. Is it a bad idea to call out of work tomorrow just to use some personal time?

My job is relocating and tried to get me to move with it. I declined because I don’t want to move to another state. I was told that my location was gonna stay open for a while and then eventually close but the same manager told another employee that they are planning to move everything out by the end of next week. I have some pto and we are on a point system so if I do call out I will be still be under the max points. They are most likely gonna give us all a severance and I was wondering if this is a bad choice?

My job is relocating and tried to get me to move with it. I declined because I don’t want to move to another state. I was told that my location was gonna stay open for a while and then eventually close but the same manager told another employee that they are planning to move everything out by the end of next week.

I have some pto and we are on a point system so if I do call out I will be still be under the max points. They are most likely gonna give us all a severance and I was wondering if this is a bad choice?

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