
Probably going to be fired

I work at a large architectural firm. We do lots of big box retail type things and our clients are all major corporations. We’ve got multiple locations and hundreds of employees. Yesterday a coworker of mine overheard a conversation where management was discussing some people they “didn’t know what to do with” and might be letting go. My name was mentioned. This place never fires anyone. They put people on improvement plans and wag their fingers but never follow through. I’m not a rockstar employee by any stretch, but I care about my work and try to get it done correctly. Unlike a lot of people here, I actually do work – plenty of people just camp out on jobs, click the mouse a few times, and do nothing. The fact that they’re thinking of just dropping me with no warning is infuriating considering the huge leeway they’ve given other…

I work at a large architectural firm. We do lots of big box retail type things and our clients are all major corporations. We’ve got multiple locations and hundreds of employees.

Yesterday a coworker of mine overheard a conversation where management was discussing some people they “didn’t know what to do with” and might be letting go. My name was mentioned.

This place never fires anyone. They put people on improvement plans and wag their fingers but never follow through. I’m not a rockstar employee by any stretch, but I care about my work and try to get it done correctly. Unlike a lot of people here, I actually do work – plenty of people just camp out on jobs, click the mouse a few times, and do nothing. The fact that they’re thinking of just dropping me with no warning is infuriating considering the huge leeway they’ve given other people who were deliberately bucking the system. And that last year I put in nearly 300 hours of unpaid overtime.

Their problem really is they don’t know what to do with me. I’m a full architect but they’ve got me just drafting. It’s their own fault though. I’ve been taken off programs I was thriving at and specifically asked to be on, with no warning, only to be put on new programs I’ve hated. I know they don’t actually care about me and I loathe working here, but it’s still hard and frustrating, especially since I don’t know when or if I’m being let go. Job hunting is stressful and I’m so tired.

Just needed to vent. Thanks everyone.

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