
Problems at work :/ should I quit?

Since I started work there is this old woman in my work that always talks shit behind my back,likes to pick on me all the time – when I have done nothing to her,I don't even talk to her but she has some unexplainable hatred towards me and I have no idea why. For the two months that I work there she has made my life a living hell – I get panic attacks,can't sleep,can't eat,can't stop crying all the time,lost so much weight and my mental health is deteriorating,I have never experienced so much stress in my entire life and I have never imagined that i will experience such violent verbal abuse. Anyway she went to my boss crying,saying that she was scared to go out because my dad would beat her up and my boss believes her and makes ME apologize to her when I have done nothing…

Since I started work there is this old woman in my work that always talks shit behind my back,likes to pick on me all the time – when I have done nothing to her,I don't even talk to her but she has some unexplainable hatred towards me and I have no idea why. For the two months that I work there she has made my life a living hell – I get panic attacks,can't sleep,can't eat,can't stop crying all the time,lost so much weight and my mental health is deteriorating,I have never experienced so much stress in my entire life and I have never imagined that i will experience such violent verbal abuse. Anyway she went to my boss crying,saying that she was scared to go out because my dad would beat her up and my boss believes her and makes ME apologize to her when I have done nothing to her and when she is the one verbally attacking me all the time without a reason – every time I'm at work i pretend to not hear her bullshits when she is talking but it gets really tiring and I'm starting to hate going to work and thinking about quitting.I'm really confused and scared to show up to work when my boss will make me apologize without being guilty again,just this whole situation is very anxiety inducing for me and I don't know what to do.🫤Please someone help!!

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