
Professional Development Plan

I have to fill one of these out for work and don’t really know how to do so without showing my hand here. Long story short, the company has done some crap things to me and my wife over the years and it has killed any and all motivation I had to grow within the company. I still produce great work and exceed in all goals I have control over. My motivation for a great work product is my own and not attached to this organization. I work from home and the pay is enough to support my family, lifestyle and to live comfortably. Working from home has also allowed me so much more time with my kids, taking care of my home, and gave me the ability to workout in my home gym. I am not looking to leave, but I’m not happy at the job either. I expect…

I have to fill one of these out for work and don’t really know how to do so without showing my hand here.

Long story short, the company has done some crap things to me and my wife over the years and it has killed any and all motivation I had to grow within the company. I still produce great work and exceed in all goals I have control over. My motivation for a great work product is my own and not attached to this organization.

I work from home and the pay is enough to support my family, lifestyle and to live comfortably. Working from home has also allowed me so much more time with my kids, taking care of my home, and gave me the ability to workout in my home gym.

I am not looking to leave, but I’m not happy at the job either. I expect to get paid for working within my hours and they can expect a good (great) work product from me.

Anyway, I am required to fill out this “plan” and I’m not sure how to say “I am currently content with the pay-work relationship and am not looking for anything additional. I plan on continuing what I am doing, and doing a great job at it, until this relationship doesn’t ‘give back’ what I put in” without sounding their alarms.

Anyone have experience with something similar?

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