
“Professional” language and corporate jargon

I’m sitting in a meeting with 100+ employees listening to a consultant making over 100+ usd an hour to basically spit a bunch of corporate jargon to us. I’m just wondering how many people out there feel like half the corporate “leaders”, “learning coaches” and “consultants” out there have no clue what they’re doing and just use corporate “slang” to sound intelligent or relevant without actually understanding the word or concept behind them. I’ve had a theory that these people just make up words and phrases borrowing from common sense and sell it to corporations so they (corporations) can appear relevant. It’s a way to spend money to solve “problems” so they can market that they are inclusive, sensitive to social issues, pretend they care about employees or values, etc. I don’t know how others feel but I seriously internally cringe every time I hear someone use these “buzzwords” and…

I’m sitting in a meeting with 100+ employees listening to a consultant making over 100+ usd an hour to basically spit a bunch of corporate jargon to us.

I’m just wondering how many people out there feel like half the corporate “leaders”, “learning coaches” and “consultants” out there have no clue what they’re doing and just use corporate “slang” to sound intelligent or relevant without actually understanding the word or concept behind them.

I’ve had a theory that these people just make up words and phrases borrowing from common sense and sell it to corporations so they (corporations) can appear relevant. It’s a way to spend money to solve “problems” so they can market that they are inclusive, sensitive to social issues, pretend they care about employees or values, etc. I don’t know how others feel but I seriously internally cringe every time I hear someone use these “buzzwords” and feel they are a corporate parrot instead of a leader. Even so, I find if I throw these words back to leadership I get more respect. I just wish I could speak freely and normally without having to sound like a corporate parrot.

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