It explicitly says in a tier 2 position you would have the job of training and mentoring new hires. I'm not a tier 2. I had no desire to be for only an extra quarter of pay.
My job has in the past abused its privilege and had me train new employees. No extra pay. It's not in my job description as a tier 1. I'm honestly pissed off they recently raised the base pay and instead of doing an equivalency bump of raises across the board, came up with some idiotic short raise that is much too low and insulting to it's current employees.
If they ask me to train any new hire that will now be making just a dollar and some change less than I do starting even though I've been there for four years I'm not doing it.
How do i professionally but in an assertive way say no way the next time they ask me to train someone new since its not in my job description and they aren't compensating me for it?
Please and thank you