
Promise me VP then rescind the offer

Long story I’ll try to make it short as possible. Back in January I got a terrible raise ($1,500) I just signed the papers, and quietly went to my desk and started dropping resumes. Within 2 weeks I was approaching an official offer from some place. After talking to a good friend of mine of 30+ years he said “Go talk to your boss and tell them what up… you seem to have a good relationship”. So I did that, told them why I was leaving and how the raise was a borderline insult (many completed projects with almost no down time etc over the last year). After that chat they went to HR and both of them came down and called me into the office. I was given a 17k raise to stay ($1,000 less per year where I was going). I accepted it, because commute is only 15…

Long story I’ll try to make it short as possible.

Back in January I got a terrible raise ($1,500) I just signed the papers, and quietly went to my desk and started dropping resumes. Within 2 weeks I was approaching an official offer from some place.

After talking to a good friend of mine of 30+ years he said “Go talk to your boss and tell them what up… you seem to have a good relationship”. So I did that, told them why I was leaving and how the raise was a borderline insult (many completed projects with almost no down time etc over the last year).

After that chat they went to HR and both of them came down and called me into the office. I was given a 17k raise to stay ($1,000 less per year where I was going). I accepted it, because commute is only 15 min from my house (20 if I get stuck behind a tractor).

Flash forward a couple months and my same buddy calls me and being IT geeks we are talking about our job duties…. Only thing is I didn’t realize he was running an interview on me until the job offer came.

I did a phone interview with one of his guys that gave me a thumbs up, then a couple weeks later I do a technical review in person at the company. All is well and I get thumbs up again.

Once all bonus are figured in I’d be getting about 30k more per year at his company. I was down to just waiting for the official job posting, and once that was up, I had the job.

Well my wife calls me one day and I’m working on a server so I just put my phone on speaker while she’s asking me whatever. Then she says it…. “ So what’s going on with the new job offer?” I hear those words echo around my office, then down the hallway…. Fuck me.

A few min later boss comes in and asks me about it, I explain I wasn’t actively looking and it just fell into my lap, and of course I’m going to check out an opportunity like that.

They got upset, not yelling, not at me, but because they don’t want to lose me. Then told me they are retiring soon and want me to take over the department as VP when they retire (3 years) and they are putting me up for it in the meeting that was coming up.

I called my buddy, told him the offer, and he was bummed out but said “That’s great I’m happy for you, just let me know if something happens I REALLY want you on my team”.

Flash forward a month and I say something about the position to my boss (like when are they going to start training me). Well they say in their meeting that they won’t let me take that position because “He doesn’t have a degree, or anything we are planning on hiring externally”.

Well little did they know my offer from other company was still standing (actually I had a better offer than original because that’s how bad they want me). So I made my phone call

“Hey bro you still looking for someone?”

“Yes, I absolutely still have the spot open for you”

“Let’s do this then”

“Sweet I’m on vacation for 2 weeks, then I’ll be in another country for work for a week, once I’m back I’ll have HR send you an official offer…. Is 3 weeks enough time for you to dry out to pass the piss test?”

“No, give me an additional week”

“You got it”

I’m now on week 2 of drying out and will be starting my new job soon.

Fuck these lying ass places loyalty only goes one way in most companies.

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