
Promoted a month ago, coworkers from old position quit, managers are asking me to now work their positions and my current position

Hi there! I don't post often but heres what I'm dealing with and just wanted to share! The setup: I work in higher education. My old position was one that paid 15 an hour, required a college degree, and mandatory overtime as there were not enough warm bodies to meet the hours. The work wasn't challenging – it was monotonous and time consuming. Mostly data entry of 1000+ students a week (at peak times), 3-400 email chains with students a week, 150+ phone calls a week to troubleshoot student questions, work through lunch since the office couldn't be empty as students were here to test, proctor and maintain test integrity, the list continues… The weird one was that part of my contract was to conduct Saturday testing of national exams (ACT, SAT, etc.). Their companies required that we sign a contract that stated we were not acting as employees of…

Hi there! I don't post often but heres what I'm dealing with and just wanted to share!

The setup:

I work in higher education. My old position was one that paid 15 an hour, required a college degree, and mandatory overtime as there were not enough warm bodies to meet the hours.

The work wasn't challenging – it was monotonous and time consuming. Mostly data entry of 1000+ students a week (at peak times), 3-400 email chains with students a week, 150+ phone calls a week to troubleshoot student questions, work through lunch since the office couldn't be empty as students were here to test, proctor and maintain test integrity, the list continues…

The weird one was that part of my contract was to conduct Saturday testing of national exams (ACT, SAT, etc.). Their companies required that we sign a contract that stated we were not acting as employees of the university.

On top of all my duties, my coworkers and I kept getting our directors duties shoved onto us. Things we did not have qualifications for nor the know-how.

Fast forward 2 years working in this job, I finally got the hell out of there by applying to another position on campus however still within the same division. (I applied to 500+ jobs and received 30 interviews. This was my only offer…). The pay was far more, I do far less, and I'm actually treated with respect in this role.


I've been in my new position for about 2 months and I love it. However, it is still within the same arm of the university. My old coworkers have received offers at other places of work and are both leaving by this Friday. I was just told by the provost of this arm of the university that they need me to work their old positions (which they were already having to pickup the slack as they didn't rehire my position) all the while, they want me to maintain my current duties as assigned. My boss is fighting tooth and nail as I haven't even completed my onboarding for this position yet.

I have solutions to their problems but they just don't listen. My boss has helped me type it up in a smaller form as the provost can't be bothered to read more than 5 sentences. She has even been calling the provost on my behalf to help alleviate her naiveté. This provost however does not comprehend what she's asking me to do.

Oh, did I mention they haven't even talked about increasing my pay for this yet – they merely want me to plug a hole i have been doomsaying for the last 6 months to this entire branch.


I can't quit as I have 3 people who depend on my income.

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