
Proof that tyran type bosses will take everything from you.

I'm on my phone, sorry if the format may appear strange. First of all, jerks will be jerks no matter what or who. Kindness seems impossible. My dad is, in fact, a boss. He called me, nearly begging me to come work in the store because no one was coming there. It was an extremely busy week for me but I still decided I would help because he really needed me. The place is 1h30 drive from where I live (means I lose 3h just in transport). So he told me an employee would come pick me up with the company's car. Fine. We were 3 in total (the 2 others were going to work in another store in the same mall). They came late (the other one had some issue) so instead of arriving at 9h am and prepare in order to start at 9h30, well we arrived at…

I'm on my phone, sorry if the format may appear strange.

First of all, jerks will be jerks no matter what or who. Kindness seems impossible.

My dad is, in fact, a boss. He called me, nearly begging me to come work in the store because no one was coming there. It was an extremely busy week for me but I still decided I would help because he really needed me. The place is 1h30 drive from where I live (means I lose 3h just in transport). So he told me an employee would come pick me up with the company's car. Fine.

We were 3 in total (the 2 others were going to work in another store in the same mall). They came late (the other one had some issue) so instead of arriving at 9h am and prepare in order to start at 9h30, well we arrived at 9h30. I really needed to go to the bathroom so I went there.

When I came back (oh I wasn't ready for that), my dad yelled so hard at me he was red.

-Him: At what time you're supposed to be working on the floor?!
-Me: 9h30, but you saw us coming in at 9h30. I really needed to go to the bathroom since we drove for 1h30.
-Him (still yelling and red): EXACTLY!!! IT'S PAST 9H30 NOW! NOW MOVE YOUR A** AND WORK.
-Me:…. (Some customers were horrified).

I have to mention this wasn't my official job and I came only to help him. Think it's over? No it's just starting. He continued yelling at me to “explain” me the task I had to do. I was supposed to work with him, for 8h.

Well I got another surprise. He secretly intended to make me work for 12h (doesn't include the total of 3h drive). The time he was there, he made sure that I understood I was a lower-being and he was the Big Boss.

The best part? I only got a 30 min break for those 12h (not legal where I live, for every 5h hours you have to give 30 min break). The reason? Big Boss decided to go chill with his friends and leave me alone in the store. So I came home at 11 pm while I had urgent tasks to do that evening. Even if I told him he didn't care.

I think I might know the reason why no one came and why he's so short-staffed (on top of that it's minimum wage). He wanted me to come help again, I didn't bother to answer.

Don't be surprised if people don't wanna work for you if you treat them like some kind of pest. I can't imagine how he treats the others.

Greed is what fuels those guys, never fall for their bait, because they don't have your best interest at heart. Even for their own daughter. You lend them your hand, they will eat your whole arm. They will steal everything from you. Oh and even if people wanted to work there, they won't hire more people (he told me himself), money first. Don't sacrifice yourself. If no one accepts those conditions, Big Bosses will have no one who will work to fill their pockets. Time to stop that slave mentality, cuz it's still there. It just evolved. We got scammed.

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