
Protesting and Secure Communications

This is sort of off topic, but since we have a lot of folks who are interested in protesting, it might be helpful to learn a little bit about secure communications. If your phone is confiscated, it might be possible to acquire a great deal of information from it. Ensure that your phone is encrypted. Both Android and iPhone have storage encryption options. Make sure that they are enabled and that you understand what that means. Ensure that your phone has a secure locking system. Do not use biometrics to unlock your phone. If somebody can unlock your phone by holding it in front of your face or pressing your thumb against it, it's not secure. Ensure that your lock code is required upon restart. If you suspect that you were about to be detained, power off your phone immediately. Disabled geolocation services. This can actually be more difficult than…

This is sort of off topic, but since we have a lot of folks who are interested in protesting, it might be helpful to learn a little bit about secure communications.

If your phone is confiscated, it might be possible to acquire a great deal of information from it.

  1. Ensure that your phone is encrypted. Both Android and iPhone have storage encryption options. Make sure that they are enabled and that you understand what that means.

  2. Ensure that your phone has a secure locking system. Do not use biometrics to unlock your phone. If somebody can unlock your phone by holding it in front of your face or pressing your thumb against it, it's not secure.

  3. Ensure that your lock code is required upon restart. If you suspect that you were about to be detained, power off your phone immediately.

  4. Disabled geolocation services. This can actually be more difficult than you think. Android for instance enables geolocation settings that aren't called geolocation. You can be tracked based on the Wi-Fi around you even if you turn your Wi-Fi off. These features are called different things in different versions, but research your version of your OS and lock that shit down. (Your phone will complain constantly about not being able to acquire a signal without additional permissions. Just don't re-enable it.)

End to End Encryption

Some messaging apps have something called end-to-end encryption. What that means is from your end (your phone) to the other end (the recipients phone) communication is encrypted. That means that not even the service provider should be able to decrypt the message. I personally use telegram and find it to be quite easy. To enable secure communications for a chat message, you just have to click Secure Chat when creating a new message. I don't want to get into a app war discussion, but I wanted to highlight what to look for.

Another form of encryption that we should be using more is PGP. PGP stands for pretty good privacy, but don't let that fool you into thinking that it's not amazing. As far as we currently know it is unbreakable encryption.

There are software applications that you can download on any operating system including your phone to generate a private and public key to use with encryption. You can freely give out your public key. There are actually directories that you can upload it to for easy lookup from service providers. You can post it on your profile or publicly on a website or literally anywhere.

Your public key is what people use to encrypt something for you.

When they send it to you, you use your private key to unlock it. Only your private key can unlock the message.

You can also use this in reverse for authentication. How do you know that you've received a message from somebody that you trust? They can use their private key to add a signature to a message. You can then use their public key to verify that the signature is authentic.

PGP/GPG is open source and usable on every operating system. I highly encourage you to create a public and private key. Be sure to secure your private key, because this is your identity.

For more information about securing your privacy, I highly encourage you to visit

Stay safe out there.

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