
Protip: How to make coworkers turn time-sucking meetings into an email

I just commented on this in another thread but thought it is important enough to warrant its own post. It saves me literal hours every week. Hours that I can spend playing Clash Royale or posting on Reddit. Do not accept meeting requests without a detailed agenda. Decline and say “Can you please provide an agenda”… Most times the person will follow up with an email. It's magic. People are lazy and do not respect anyone's time but their own. They spend 30 seconds and poop out a 60-minute meeting request with a vague Subject line, and like fucking robots, everyone just Accepts. No more. If they are forced to spend time outlining what they want, more times than not, they realize that yes, this meeting request could be an email. And for the rare moments an agenda is provided, I often respond with something like “We don't need an…

I just commented on this in another thread but thought it is important enough to warrant its own post. It saves me literal hours every week. Hours that I can spend playing Clash Royale or posting on Reddit.

Do not accept meeting requests without a detailed agenda. Decline and say “Can you please provide an agenda”… Most times the person will follow up with an email. It's magic.

People are lazy and do not respect anyone's time but their own. They spend 30 seconds and poop out a 60-minute meeting request with a vague Subject line, and like fucking robots, everyone just Accepts.

No more. If they are forced to spend time outlining what they want, more times than not, they realize that yes, this meeting request could be an email.

And for the rare moments an agenda is provided, I often respond with something like “We don't need an hour for this. I have 30 minutes, though.”

I'd love to hear your hacks.

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