
PSA: Don’t ever pay an attorney upfront for a wage theft case

This is a warning to other folks that might have to deal with the issue of getting terminated and your former employer refusing to pay your final paycheck or commissions. I had little information initially as I never had to deal with this and almost made a mistake. I went through multiple calls and consultations with law firms offering to charge $450-900 just to send out an initial demand letter. Then apparently it would have continued with me paying out of pocket for more work if they didn’t respond to that first correspondence.. I eventually found a firm that was legitimate and only takes a percentage when we’ve won the case and any legal fees come from the employer. It’s unfortunate that wage theft is so common that there are groups ready to take advantage of these situations and prey upon people who don’t know their rights & options. In…

This is a warning to other folks that might have to deal with the issue of getting terminated and your former employer refusing to pay your final paycheck or commissions.

I had little information initially as I never had to deal with this and almost made a mistake. I went through multiple calls and consultations with law firms offering to charge $450-900 just to send out an initial demand letter. Then apparently it would have continued with me paying out of pocket for more work if they didn’t respond to that first correspondence..

I eventually found a firm that was legitimate and only takes a percentage when we’ve won the case and any legal fees come from the employer.

It’s unfortunate that wage theft is so common that there are groups ready to take advantage of these situations and prey upon people who don’t know their rights & options. In one case a firm even outsourced another organization who setup a call to sell the service to me on their behalf. Disgusting.

Please read the laws in your state and understand what your options are, what the correct response should be and what you could be rewarded as damages for this crime. In my case my employer owed me quite a bit of commission and more for the delay per the laws in my state.
It depends on the state law but you could be entitled to double damages or even triple.

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