

This is just a reminder to anyone on here that YOUR COWORKERS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. Do not share any personal information about your life (family, friends outside of work, side hustles, etc.) with them, and DEFINITELY DO NOT add them on any type of social media, especially managers. The moment I start a new job anywhere I immediately look up everyone I work with and block them on all platforms and block the company as well. If they ask, tell them you do not have social media. Also DO NOT put your full name on social media and make sure that you uncheck in the settings within the apps where it asks if it can connect your contacts, or that you can be looked up my email or phone number. Obviously this is just advice, do what you want, but just be cautious.

This is just a reminder to anyone on here that YOUR COWORKERS ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. Do not share any personal information about your life (family, friends outside of work, side hustles, etc.) with them, and DEFINITELY DO NOT add them on any type of social media, especially managers. The moment I start a new job anywhere I immediately look up everyone I work with and block them on all platforms and block the company as well. If they ask, tell them you do not have social media. Also DO NOT put your full name on social media and make sure that you uncheck in the settings within the apps where it asks if it can connect your contacts, or that you can be looked up my email or phone number. Obviously this is just advice, do what you want, but just be cautious.

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