
PTO “request” for a vacation got denied – aka getting a new job in 2 months

My wife and I have wanted to visit ireland basically since we met, and this year we finally had the opportunity to go. We leave in october for a 10-day honeymoon take 2. We've booked plane tickets, a rental car, reserved most hotels, and are booking excursions. Today, my wife's employer denied her PTO for that window because “they don't have enough charge nurses to cover” (wife works inpatient nursing for a large condiment-themed hospital). She's livid, I'm livid, and this is the last straw. She's been casually job hunting for the past few months, but this just turned up the heat. We're going to ireland, job be damned. She just may have a new one when we get back. It's just a job, and the last 2 years have shown it's a shitty one at that. Yeah $40/hour is nice, but she's gonna do so much better. And get…

My wife and I have wanted to visit ireland basically since we met, and this year we finally had the opportunity to go. We leave in october for a 10-day honeymoon take 2. We've booked plane tickets, a rental car, reserved most hotels, and are booking excursions. Today, my wife's employer denied her PTO for that window because “they don't have enough charge nurses to cover” (wife works inpatient nursing for a large condiment-themed hospital). She's livid, I'm livid, and this is the last straw. She's been casually job hunting for the past few months, but this just turned up the heat. We're going to ireland, job be damned. She just may have a new one when we get back. It's just a job, and the last 2 years have shown it's a shitty one at that. Yeah $40/hour is nice, but she's gonna do so much better. And get a place that doesn't deny PTO because of self-inflicted problems that are not the responsibility of staff.

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