
punished for wanting more

I've worked at my company for over 3 years as a service desk analyst. The position was an entry level position into IT and was advertised as 1st line role. However the amount of work were doing as first line was different than I imagined, we did computer builds, application support, network configuring, engineer assigning, AD management, Azure management,VPN and MFA setups. That only scratches the surface of what we did all whilst supporting 100 sites and 3 main offices and over 1000 head office users. I thought to myself this is going to do me wonders getting to know these systems but through out the years more and more work got dropped on our heads to take over and when covid hit our 2nd line team got made redundant. The vast majority of their work got placed on us with very little training or knowledge articles that had the…

I've worked at my company for over 3 years as a service desk analyst.

The position was an entry level position into IT and was advertised as 1st line role.

However the amount of work were doing as first line was different than I imagined, we did computer builds, application support, network configuring, engineer assigning, AD management, Azure management,VPN and MFA setups. That only scratches the surface of what we did all whilst supporting 100 sites and 3 main offices and over 1000 head office users.

I thought to myself this is going to do me wonders getting to know these systems but through out the years more and more work got dropped on our heads to take over and when covid hit our 2nd line team got made redundant.

The vast majority of their work got placed on us with very little training or knowledge articles that had the bare minimum of information.

Over the past year I have essentially become the go to person regarding the systems we use and if something doesnt work I am the first person to take a look at before it escalates.

I had a chat with my service delivery manager last september and expressed that I wanted more from the company in terms of training and support with advancing my career, because I don't want to doing 1st line forever.

I was told that they are looking to get a problem manager role and believes I would be a good candidate with all the work I've been doing recently.

I thought great, I'm going to actually get rewarded for my hard work and progress… boy was I wrong.

October passes, still no update, November, still no update but we deffo need tbe position as it is something we are missing. December comes, I get told that we deffo need the position but it is something we can't have this year and maybe start of next year.

January comes along, unfortunately we don't have the budget and we are looking at potentially Q2 of the next financial year, however here is a new work plan with goals and personal tasks/business achievements we want you to do which should help you get ready for this potential role.

February comes along and I get an email from an old recruiter I used about a potential 2nd line role, I register my interest, pass on my CV and think it's a shot in the dark because on paper I haven't done a 2nd line position.

I get a call the next day, they want an interview, I schedule it and do the interview. The interview didn't seem like I wowed them but they were hard people to read (really stone faced).

I get a call the day after for a second interview, this time I feel like I did well in the interview and left it feeling I couldn't of done that much better.

Not even 2 hours later I get a call from my recruiter to say they loved me and wanted to secure me and gave me an offer which is very generous and meets my needs along with training and growth I wanted.

I handed my notice in less than two weeks from my final pay of the financial year, what I didn't realise because of this I'm not entitled to the bonus everyone got, even the team members who joined only recently.

The bonus is discretionary, so it is at their discretion who they pay it to, I asked why I had not got it, incase it was due to performance and they said nope nothing to do with performance it's because you are working your notice.

So even though I worked the entire year and remain working passed the date of the pay the bonus got paid on, they are making the decision not to give me the bonus that they gave someone who has only been with us for 3 months.

What made it worse is no one told me this would happen and I would not of known there was even a bonus if a colleague didn't ask what I will spend it on.

To say I was angry would be the biggest understatement, I feel like I've have been patted on the back and told kindly f off and been made a mug of infront of all my colleagues, it's not even about the money because its only a small one, it's the principle of that I have worked, put in my effort like the others and because I want more for my career I've been punished for it.

I have two weeks left of my notice and I genuinely don't have the effort for this company and just want to stop altogether.

TL:DR: Worked hard, wanted more after 3 years, strung along with a “potential” role, applied for a new job, got said new job, handed in notice and lost bonus that every other person got.

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