
Put my 2 weeks in and my boss said “I was expecting this”, then denied me funeral leave the next day

I was hired as an admin assistant last July at a small company. The last few months I’ve been covering for someone in accounting while she’s on maternity leave. When they asked me to cover for her, they said they would hire someone else as an admin assistant and then I could switch to marketing (what I want to be doing) after my coworker returns from materiality leave. Switching to marketing was the light at the end of the tunnel in all of this. I have no prior accounting experience, and am horrible with numbers. But my boss said I’m smart and she believes in me. Being in accounting has been 3 months of hell. My boss doesn’t have the time to give me the support she promised, asked me to start staying late every night, has dumped so many more taste on me than was originally stated, and hasn’t…

I was hired as an admin assistant last July at a small company. The last few months I’ve been covering for someone in accounting while she’s on maternity leave. When they asked me to cover for her, they said they would hire someone else as an admin assistant and then I could switch to marketing (what I want to be doing) after my coworker returns from materiality leave. Switching to marketing was the light at the end of the tunnel in all of this.

I have no prior accounting experience, and am horrible with numbers. But my boss said I’m smart and she believes in me.

Being in accounting has been 3 months of hell. My boss doesn’t have the time to give me the support she promised, asked me to start staying late every night, has dumped so many more taste on me than was originally stated, and hasn’t filled my front desk position. So now I’m doing 5x the work for the same pay, cause I didn’t get a raise when they asked me to cover in accounting.

I spoke to my boss and HR 2 weeks ago, letting them know I’m unhappy and feel I deserve to be compensated more because I’m taking on significantly more responsibilities and staying late every night. Nothing came out of this situation, and all HR said was I’m salaried so I need to work 40-60 hours a week if that’s what it takes.

So yesterday I put in my two weeks, and all my boss says is “ok, I was expecting this”. Almost a little too cheery.

I told another department manager about my decision to leave, and he was shocked I was leaving and at my bosses response. He then asked if I’d be interested in working in his department at all, because he sees my value. I said I’d consider, but most likely not. He also let me know the marketing manager vouched for me to HR and asked them what we could do to get me to stay.

Today I had to take a half day, which my boss knew about before putting in my two weeks, because my 6 year old cousin unexpectedly died in her sleep last week. When I found out last week, I showed up in her office crying my eyes out, and she said I can take the rest of the day off. I filled my timesheet out as a half day of funeral leave, and she said nothing about it. When I was saying bye to my boss today, she let me know I am denied funeral leave and need to take PTO because “cousins aren’t covered for funeral leave in the company handbook”. Really? I don’t get a single day of funeral leave for my child cousin?

At this point, I don’t think I’m going to show up on Monday.

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