
Question about a Union busting meeting.

Hi all – new account as my other ones could easily make it back to me if for some reason this were to get popular. Thanks for reading and any info you have. I attended a mandatory meeting today that was essentially union busting, but in corporate speak. It was all people managers, and we were told how to look for signs of a union forming, and all the legal and illegal ways to go about stopping a movement. The whole thing was disgusting. I love my job and the team I work with but I almost walked out. I felt dizzy at the beginning when I realized what was happening because how can I work at somewhere that would do this?! I looked for the presentation but couldn’t find it – I have a feeling by my body language if I were to ask for it that would throw…

Hi all – new account as my other ones could easily make it back to me if for some reason this were to get popular. Thanks for reading and any info you have.

I attended a mandatory meeting today that was essentially union busting, but in corporate speak. It was all people managers, and we were told how to look for signs of a union forming, and all the legal and illegal ways to go about stopping a movement. The whole thing was disgusting. I love my job and the team I work with but I almost walked out. I felt dizzy at the beginning when I realized what was happening because how can I work at somewhere that would do this?! I looked for the presentation but couldn’t find it – I have a feeling by my body language if I were to ask for it that would throw up a ton of red flags. My question is how is this legal?

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