
Question about pay rates

I started a new job about two months ago im a mason by trade Well I met the owner of the company and took the job and agreed on a rate with a handshake. Fast foreword to yesterday I finally download the app he uses for payroll to see my pay stubs. He’s paying me two dollars an hour less than what we agreed on. I didn’t catch on because as the pay period is every two weeks and I havnt had a full 80 hours on a check yet. On the other hand he pays me for most of day I don’t work. I’m torn here how do I proceed?

I started a new job about two months ago im a mason by trade
Well I met the owner of the company and took the job and agreed on a rate with a handshake. Fast foreword to yesterday I finally download the app he uses for payroll to see my pay stubs. He’s paying me two dollars an hour less than what we agreed on. I didn’t catch on because as the pay period is every two weeks and I havnt had a full 80 hours on a check yet. On the other hand he pays me for most of day I don’t work. I’m torn here how do I proceed?

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