What excuses have your employers given for having to go back to the office?
Since working from home I have finally found a perfect work/life balance and my mental and physical health has greatly improved. The company always said from the beginning that it was a temporary thing, and just recently there's rumor of a set date now for returning. I can't help but get anxious everytime I think about having to go back. I have even been considering looking for another job that is remote so I don't have to go back to that lifestyle. While some employers have embraced permanent WFH, I can't understand why others refuse to even consider it. My employer constantly sends out updates about record breaking gains in different aspects of the company. If we are doing so good, and some may even say better than when we were back in the office, then why send us back? Especially if we've shown that we are more than capable of working remotely. It's a fact that WFH produces happier employees (which leads to better production), lowers turnover rates, and would also save the company money on commercial real estate and utility costs. For those that want to go back to the office be my guest, but I for one do not want to go back to a miserable fluorescent light prison, sucking my soul dry. Robbing me of my time with an unnecessary commute.
Oh, and my employer's excuse?
Give me a break!