
Question: my sheet metal union has a no strike clause in it.

Is there any situation where we would be justified to strike without any negative repercussions? We just signed new contracts in July and most of us kinda feel like we got screwed. Mostly money wise as our wages are about a $1 lower than other trades, even trades within the same company. That coupled with inflation still beating us to death, and a big group of us driving 120 miles round trip every day for work, I just felt like we had our hands tied behind our backs. For context, I live in the south and I’ve been told that unions here are not as strong as ones up north. I’ve had to personally deal with Shit that I was told by other union reps wouldn’t fly where they work so there’s that.

Is there any situation where we would be justified to strike without any negative repercussions? We just signed new contracts in July and most of us kinda feel like we got screwed. Mostly money wise as our wages are about a $1 lower than other trades, even trades within the same company. That coupled with inflation still beating us to death, and a big group of us driving 120 miles round trip every day for work, I just felt like we had our hands tied behind our backs.

For context, I live in the south and I’ve been told that unions here are not as strong as ones up north. I’ve had to personally deal with Shit that I was told by other union reps wouldn’t fly where they work so there’s that.

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