
Question: Why is the current generation getting called out for “quiet quitting” when it’s been going on much longer?

So, I get that part of it is just the current culture and someone came up with a catchy name for it. But I feel like millennials and Gen-Z are taking the brunt of the criticism, when I know many older people who are terrible at their jobs, don't do anything beyond what they are forced to do and refuse to retire because 'they need the insurance' or something. All of the people that I know personally who refuse to retire work in gov't jobs, are tenured professors, or work in jobs where they can't be fired as long as they don't cause trouble and meet the bare minimum requirements. Is there is a difference here? Am I just salty because I don't want to be criticized? Or is all this just a show for the older people who work in media to make the “young” people look bad?

So, I get that part of it is just the current culture and someone came up with a catchy name for it. But I feel like millennials and Gen-Z are taking the brunt of the criticism, when I know many older people who are terrible at their jobs, don't do anything beyond what they are forced to do and refuse to retire because 'they need the insurance' or something.

All of the people that I know personally who refuse to retire work in gov't jobs, are tenured professors, or work in jobs where they can't be fired as long as they don't cause trouble and meet the bare minimum requirements.

Is there is a difference here? Am I just salty because I don't want to be criticized? Or is all this just a show for the older people who work in media to make the “young” people look bad?

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