
Quiet quitting is fine, it exists, and it’s probably one of a poorly treated employees’ most potent weapons.

I don’t like how the majority of this sub is pulling the ole’ “I don’t like X so I’m gonna say it doesn’t exist” trick with with phrase. It’s pretty great actually, probably one of the most hurtful things you could do to a business – working jussssst enough to not get fired while quarter after quarter things get worse and worse for the company, then you can just leave with impunity….sounds great to me. People do it every day. If the term quiet quitting bugs you just bring up “quiet firing” which employers do every day when they reduce your hours or give you enough hours to not be eligible for benefits. Keep bringing that up. I guess I don’t get what the rush is to be like “ohhhhhh shhhhhhhh that doesn’t exist.” Like who cares if it does?

I don’t like how the majority of this sub is pulling the ole’ “I don’t like X so I’m gonna say it doesn’t exist” trick with with phrase.

It’s pretty great actually, probably one of the most hurtful things you could do to a business – working jussssst enough to not get fired while quarter after quarter things get worse and worse for the company, then you can just leave with impunity….sounds great to me. People do it every day.

If the term quiet quitting bugs you just bring up “quiet firing” which employers do every day when they reduce your hours or give you enough hours to not be eligible for benefits. Keep bringing that up.

I guess I don’t get what the rush is to be like “ohhhhhh shhhhhhhh that doesn’t exist.” Like who cares if it does?

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