
Quiet quitting is just people not engaging in exploitive work environments, change my mind

For starters, we can all agree on one thing. Trying to work a regular job and survive is near impossible without scoring a hedge fund VP role because your dad plays golf with the Goldman Sachs group. Most of us worked through school on loans, grants, and scholarships to get degrees for barely minimum-wage jobs. Not to mention that in today's world you have to work at least 2 jobs to be remotely comfortable. IE pay your rent, utility, and food while having more than just barely enough to get you to the next paycheck. To make matters worse in the workspace you are constantly met with upper management that does not listen to its staff. Broken work processes are met with “this is how it's always been done”. If you are a hard worker all you end up doing is taking on more and more tasks without any of…

For starters, we can all agree on one thing. Trying to work a regular job and survive is near impossible without scoring a hedge fund VP role because your dad plays golf with the Goldman Sachs group.

Most of us worked through school on loans, grants, and scholarships to get degrees for barely minimum-wage jobs. Not to mention that in today's world you have to work at least 2 jobs to be remotely comfortable. IE pay your rent, utility, and food while having more than just barely enough to get you to the next paycheck.

To make matters worse in the workspace you are constantly met with upper management that does not listen to its staff. Broken work processes are met with “this is how it's always been done”. If you are a hard worker all you end up doing is taking on more and more tasks without any of the wage benefits. incompetence is running rampant to the point people are just handing off tasks to anyone below them.

The pandemic gave everyone a momentary breather of peace where they could look at their job and realize they have been slaving away for virtually nothing.

So collectively it seems like “No one wants to work anymore”, False. People want to work and be prosperous, people don't want to be slaves to a system of intentionally fabricated terrible environments with stagnating wages.

So they are not.

Collectively, as a whole, people are doing their job to the T of what they were hired to do and nothing more. No more late nights, no more early mornings, no offering up their downtime for more work, simply stopping the exploitation.

Capitalism will be its own downfall, personally, I'm here waiting for it like so many others.

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