
“Quiet quitting” is not about doing just the requirements of your job.

There seems to be a move in the media to define the meme of “quiet quitting” as “bowing out of hustle culture and just meeting the bare minimum requirements of your job… which is still doing your job (lowly peasants)”. But “quiet quitting” is actually about doing the minimum possible to avoid being fired immediately, below the base expectations of the job. This is really a kind of soft general strike. Workers are fed up with the status quo of busting their asses for the crumbs of the pie, and we're no longer buying into an agreement that capitalists have been violating for decades. Trying to reframe this movement is nothing more than the flailing tantrum of a system of exploitation that is unwilling to compromise.

There seems to be a move in the media to define the meme of “quiet quitting” as “bowing out of hustle culture and just meeting the bare minimum requirements of your job… which is still doing your job (lowly peasants)”.

But “quiet quitting” is actually about doing the minimum possible to avoid being fired immediately, below the base expectations of the job. This is really a kind of soft general strike. Workers are fed up with the status quo of busting their asses for the crumbs of the pie, and we're no longer buying into an agreement that capitalists have been violating for decades.

Trying to reframe this movement is nothing more than the flailing tantrum of a system of exploitation that is unwilling to compromise.

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