
Quit after seven weeks, employer threating to charge me with theft

I quit a job after seven weeks. Started work by having to fill out a questionnaire telling someone how many pets I have and what my favorite song is in order to get a key to the building. I started looking for other positions that night. During my time at Company, my direct supervisor berated me in an open hall way for not doing the correct work. I was doing the work I had been given. She then changed my job with no notice. The next week she again berated me, during my lunch (in the breakroom) for not knowing how to do my new job. I was not hired to do the new job and no one had trained me. My desk was moved twice, once by custodial staff at night. Meaning custodians cleaned out my work space and put my personal property in a new area. When I…

I quit a job after seven weeks. Started work by having to fill out a questionnaire telling someone how many pets I have and what my favorite song is in order to get a key to the building. I started looking for other positions that night.

During my time at Company, my direct supervisor berated me in an open hall way for not doing the correct work. I was doing the work I had been given. She then changed my job with no notice. The next week she again berated me, during my lunch (in the breakroom) for not knowing how to do my new job. I was not hired to do the new job and no one had trained me. My desk was moved twice, once by custodial staff at night. Meaning custodians cleaned out my work space and put my personal property in a new area. When I complained, I was told I should be grateful they helped. as it was part of “positive workplace culture”.

My work deals with very agitated clients. There was a fight and as I was trying to redirect people away, my glasses were knocked of my face and broken. My direct supervisor refused to move me to another part of the building. Instead she offered to forge a workman's comp claim so I could be reimbursed for my glasses.

I asked HR to be relocated to another building. My request was denied as direct supervisor refused to approve me leaving. I replied to the email thread telling HR and my direct supervisor that I wasn't coming back and listed all the reasons why. I bcc'd the Company e-mail list. As expected, within hours, my Company e-mail was inaccessible.

I had interviews, and by the end of the week I had other employment.

Four weeks later (two days ago) Company sent me an email to my personal account making it sound as if I am refusing to return company equipment. I left everything in my last desk. The way the email is worded makes it sound as if I have been ignoring them. I have receive no contact except this email. They are threatening legal action if I refuse to return equipment I do not have.

What would be best course of action? I want nothing else to do with Company.

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