
Quit my job, not really sure what to do next.

I recently quit my job at Home Depot after 4 years of dealing with nonsense. Didn't have another job lined up which will probably be a mistake but like, what is the point of working if I'm fucking miserable? I've been enjoying having some time to just relax and… live for once in my life. I have enough money saved up to kinda coast for a bit but I have this nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps saying “What if you can't find more work?” and this is something that is genuinely concerning to me. I have about 10 years of work experience but even with that my resume isn't super impressive, and I'm just super depressed about having to do the whole job search thing again. Filling out tons of applications and not getting any kind of response is demoralizing. There's this sentiment going around…

I recently quit my job at Home Depot after 4 years of dealing with nonsense. Didn't have another job lined up which will probably be a mistake but like, what is the point of working if I'm fucking miserable? I've been enjoying having some time to just relax and… live for once in my life. I have enough money saved up to kinda coast for a bit but I have this nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps saying “What if you can't find more work?” and this is something that is genuinely concerning to me. I have about 10 years of work experience but even with that my resume isn't super impressive, and I'm just super depressed about having to do the whole job search thing again. Filling out tons of applications and not getting any kind of response is demoralizing. There's this sentiment going around that “NoBoDY wAntS to WorK” but companies are still doing this shit that makes it harder to find “entry level” work. I've been sick the last week so I haven't really started the job search in earnest, but at this point, I'm not even really sure what that means. Do I just put out hundreds of lines and just HOPE that someone actually follows up? Do I follow up myself? The more and more I think about it the more depressed I get…

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