
Quit my job today and received two vastly different offers. Now I’m conflicted.

TL;DR: I need validation that I’m not crazy for wanting to accept a lower paying job that would have more flexibility to focus on my freelancing gigs and MFA program. Obligatory disclaimer that I’m on mobile so formatting might be wonky. So I quit my remote call center job today after receiving an offer to work at a local coffee shop. I feel energized and excited. While I would miss having a consistent schedule, I would work morning shift and be done before 12PM the days I work. It is a pay cut ($12/hr) but there are cash tips, so I would have some spending money daily. I’ve worked at coffee shops before and enjoyed the environment, always choosing to leave either because I was going to college or because I felt at my age I should have a “real” job. I am also freelancing as a editor/proofreader and attending…

TL;DR: I need validation that I’m not crazy for wanting to accept a lower paying job that would have more flexibility to focus on my freelancing gigs and MFA program.

Obligatory disclaimer that I’m on mobile so formatting might be wonky.

So I quit my remote call center job today after receiving an offer to work at a local coffee shop. I feel energized and excited. While I would miss having a consistent schedule, I would work morning shift and be done before 12PM the days I work. It is a pay cut ($12/hr) but there are cash tips, so I would have some spending money daily. I’ve worked at coffee shops before and enjoyed the environment, always choosing to leave either because I was going to college or because I felt at my age I should have a “real” job. I am also freelancing as a editor/proofreader and attending school for an MFA program, so this job would provide more flexibility/free time overall.

About an hour after receiving the offer, I received another offer for a data entry job at a lab/testing company. The pay would be $17/hr with a $1K signing bonus contingent on remaining employed with the company 1 year. It would be 8-5ish, 40hrs a week M-F. There are benefits, though I am a dependent on my spouse’s plan already so I’m not too worried.

Basically, I feel that accepting a lower paying job is irresponsible. I have trying to conceive for two years and it’s expensive. But I also don’t want a career as the plan is to be a published author after graduating with my MFA next year. How do I break out of this mindset that I’m letting virtual strangers down by rejecting either offer? How do I allow myself to accept lower pay in favor of more flexibility?

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