
Quit my Job today because they wouldn’t support my staff.

Quit my job four hours ago. No notice given. I am a store manager. Err. Was. I have an employee that was transferred to my for relitively low performance (sales based job with tracked metrics. Was by my district manager if I could help get his metrics to excel in three months time I could get him promoted to be my assistant manager. Three months go by. This guy works hard, has improved his metrics year to date to exceed company goals and is above district average in almost every metric. I reach out to my district manager “hey he's ready let's do this”. He scheduled a time to come to my store and meet in person. “There is a promotion freeze. No store managers or assistant managers are being promoted at this time. Due to his performance we promise to make him an assistant manager when the hiring freeze…

Quit my job four hours ago. No notice given. I am a store manager. Err. Was.

I have an employee that was transferred to my for relitively low performance (sales based job with tracked metrics. Was by my district manager if I could help get his metrics to excel in three months time I could get him promoted to be my assistant manager.

Three months go by. This guy works hard, has improved his metrics year to date to exceed company goals and is above district average in almost every metric. I reach out to my district manager “hey he's ready let's do this”. He scheduled a time to come to my store and meet in person.

“There is a promotion freeze. No store managers or assistant managers are being promoted at this time. Due to his performance we promise to make him an assistant manager when the hiring freeze is over.”

My employee and I are irritated but somewhat understanding.

Fast forward this week when it's now been six months my employee been with me. I reach out to my district manager about rumors of the assistant manager position being removed or discontinued from the company when it comes to hiring for the position. I have the rumors softly confirmed.

I talk with my employee that I am unable to take care of him and get him promoted and that he has a carrot dangling above his head that isn't reachable. I am more upset than he seems to be about the situation.

Today my morality meter in my head is going bananas. I feel uncomfortable as a manager that I cannot support him, I cannot give him a raise. I reach out to my whole staff (which is two employees. Our ASM prospect and another shift lead) and tell them I am resigning effective immediately because I do not have the ability to properly support them given the current state of my company.

I made 18/hr while he makes 10.50.

I made it very clear why I quit. I am not wanting to martyr myself in any way, I just can't feel comfortable running a staff where my resources extend so little that it was literally impossible to provide a wage increase or a promotion for someone who was promised one.

I am pissed.

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