
Quit my job today, tired of being treated like shit.

I work at one of spectrum stores in maine. I started in January and it started off rough. We had a new manager who was super mentally abusive. This isn’t the point of the story but to give a summary he would force us to do 6-10 days in a row before having a day off. He would lie and put us against eachother. He forced me to write lines like Bart Simpson chalk board style. Compulsive liar, would clock us out for lunch while we were working to cover his ass as he wouldn’t eat us have lunches. He was fired after 2 months and things got better but all my coworkers had mentally broken down and none of them managed to stay so slowly over the next 2 months they all quit until the start of July I was the last man standing. No one else, no manager,…

I work at one of spectrum stores in maine. I started in January and it started off rough. We had a new manager who was super mentally abusive.
This isn’t the point of the story but to give a summary he would force us to do 6-10 days in a row before having a day off. He would lie and put us against eachother. He forced me to write lines like Bart Simpson chalk board style. Compulsive liar, would clock us out for lunch while we were working to cover his ass as he wouldn’t eat us have lunches.
He was fired after 2 months and things got better but all my coworkers had mentally broken down and none of them managed to stay so slowly over the next 2 months they all quit until the start of July I was the last man standing.
No one else, no manager, I was the entire store. No raise, no appreciation, instead I had to open to close. Still had 2 days off where someone from another store would cover so I could have days off. And it’s spectrum so even my customers treat me like shit all day long.
Each week I was promised I would have help and come the next week it was still just me. A manager was hired for my store and then the one at a store 15 minutes away quit and it was deemed more important to have a manager there so still in training he was transferred away from me.
The breaking point for what I could handle was today. I still have sick time available, I still have vacation time available. I would call out due to being in hospital and receive threats of disciplinary action. I would call the bluff and I wouldn’t get in trouble as it was impossible to when I still have time available.
I was told last week I 100% would have someone with me starting today. I have an appointment to get a loan at 5 to move so I’m not homeless and it has to be today or I don’t get the loan, and I was expecting help.
Something happened of course where it’s just me. So I tell them I must close the store at 3 and they basically tell me if I close the store early then my job is at risk and to reconsider. So my response was “okay I reconsidered, I’m leaving now” I kicked everyone out of the store as nicely as I could explaining the situation and closed of the store properly and left. Not even an hour later I have 2 interviews set up already.

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