
Quit my job two weeks ago

I quit my job as a front desk associate at a “medical” facility (for neuropathy. Only had chiropractic doctors and a nurse practitioner. They did stem cell injections, chiro adjustments, red light therapy and a few other things). It was a Myriad of reasons and my s/o thinks I should share here (he also wants me to take them to court but we will see about that I guess) So reasons I hated the job: 1) I was a front desk associate who was trained and treated like a sales person. We had to call patients twice a day to confirm their appointments for the next day and if they wanted to cancel we were to pressure them into coming into their appointment or rescheduling – which I get is normal except this rule applied even if the patient has Covid 2) We had to do a weird chant each…

I quit my job as a front desk associate at a “medical” facility (for neuropathy. Only had chiropractic doctors and a nurse practitioner. They did stem cell injections, chiro adjustments, red light therapy and a few other things). It was a Myriad of reasons and my s/o thinks I should share here (he also wants me to take them to court but we will see about that I guess)

So reasons I hated the job:
1) I was a front desk associate who was trained and treated like a sales person. We had to call patients twice a day to confirm their appointments for the next day and if they wanted to cancel we were to pressure them into coming into their appointment or rescheduling – which I get is normal except this rule applied even if the patient has Covid
2) We had to do a weird chant each morning that went along the lines of “2,4,6,8 XX company is great, we like it, we love it, we’re always thinking of it. Goooooo team!”
3) I found out that only 10% of the company was vaccinated and then they got upset when I refused to stand in this odd circle to do “objection management” (telling each other we can’t come to our fake appt because of xx reason and the other person convincing you that you should come in anyway)

But the MAJOR reasons I quit were:
A) I found out that for the TWO years this company has been in business they haven’t had a single patient sign the authorization of benefits allowing them to bill their insurance (yet they did)
B) They we’re offering exams at a different cost if you had insurance vs if you didn’t
C) The company they were using for their stem cell Injectables was getting a kickback from their sales
And finally:
The owner of the company (a chiropractic doctor also) ACTIVELY tried to get Covid because he thought it strengthened your immune system, he caught Covid and still came into work and was working with patients for the first time in years (I believe to try to infect them as well since he wouldn’t wear a mask)
Then he went on a trip to Italy and POKED holes in his mask for the plane ride (unsure if he did this while he had Covid or if it was done at a different time)

The patients were mostly geriatric. I was there for less than a month and was so disturbed by these practices I left with no notice.

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