
Quit my job with no plan, but settling into the idea that the plan is to just exist in a way that least benefits the economy and workforce. Work without a meaningful future makes working pointless. Change that and I’ll come back.

Before realizing how insurmountable a task buying a house was, I forced some spending habits with the intention of saving a down payment for one. One streaming service, essential items only, no eating out, pretty strict stuff. Basically, kinda already just barely contributing to the economy. And if the ability to have a garden was available, I'd probably contribute even less to food. My job managed to pass the threshold of BS I was willing to tolerate, so I quit. Had been checking postings every day for months, but it's all just more of the same BS, so never bothered applying anywhere. Too picky? Probably. I just know that I have a value that is higher than what places offer. Jaded? Absolutely. Fully intend to just keep up these spending habits, maybe even figure out more things to cut out. And with the money you can stash away by being…

Before realizing how insurmountable a task buying a house was, I forced some spending habits with the intention of saving a down payment for one. One streaming service, essential items only, no eating out, pretty strict stuff.

Basically, kinda already just barely contributing to the economy. And if the ability to have a garden was available, I'd probably contribute even less to food.

My job managed to pass the threshold of BS I was willing to tolerate, so I quit. Had been checking postings every day for months, but it's all just more of the same BS, so never bothered applying anywhere. Too picky? Probably. I just know that I have a value that is higher than what places offer. Jaded? Absolutely.

Fully intend to just keep up these spending habits, maybe even figure out more things to cut out. And with the money you can stash away by being a total miser, it should last a good long while.

I'm out, American economy and workforce. I'm just going to go relax now. Subtract one from the “able bodied” column on your statistical analysis worksheets and lump another onto the “contributes very little” column.

Make it matter again, or I'm just going to figure out how to live on the amount of money you can make a year before you need to pay taxes on it.

I will be infinitely happier spending my spring hiking through nature than I will be working for broken promises. You've made that an inevitability.

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