
Quit my job yesterday

So I got offered a great opportunity to make double what I was making by taking another job. I anguished over it for a while but decided that it was the best for my family and I. Go into work, now mind you classes where I work don't start for two weeks, but we have obligatory training for two weeks beforehand. I could have sat out the training and gotten paid and then dropped off. But I thought it wasn't honest. So I suck it up and go in and tell my boss what the deal was. I have to leave, I am sorry about the short notice, but I am starting a new career. I thought they would have taken it better but they took it pretty poorly. She was not nice. The kicker is I lost my office key and I've been getting calls all day asking me…

So I got offered a great opportunity to make double what I was making by taking another job. I anguished over it for a while but decided that it was the best for my family and I.

Go into work, now mind you classes where I work don't start for two weeks, but we have obligatory training for two weeks beforehand. I could have sat out the training and gotten paid and then dropped off.

But I thought it wasn't honest. So I suck it up and go in and tell my boss what the deal was. I have to leave, I am sorry about the short notice, but I am starting a new career.

I thought they would have taken it better but they took it pretty poorly. She was not nice. The kicker is I lost my office key and I've been getting calls all day asking me when I can return the key they know I can't find.

I was told that at 12 PM tomorrow, high noon, they will consider it lost if I don't get there and I will have 200 dollars taken out of my last paycheck.

I laughed because there is no last paycheck. They don't owe me a dime and now they want 200 bucks from me for a key and guess what, they can't have it. They also want me to turn in my university ID but after the call from public safety today I am going to say they aren't getting that either.

These people don't have to pay my bills – if they weren't going to offer me more money they should have given me less attitude and more “good luck in your future endeavors” type comments.

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