
Quit my old position a month ago, back to original position. But know that I’m still certified, boss wants me to cover if anyone calls out.

I’m tired of dealing with customers, especially ones with a laundry list of stuff wrong with their car, and it’s all little things that they can’t even describe, so they get mad at you for not knowing what to do. I quit that position about a month ago, now I’m back to working the rental desk, giving customer rides home, road testing card after repairs and detailing the rental cars, and I get paid pretty well (although it’s barely enough to cover all my bills). But because I’m still certified to be a service advisor, my boss wants to cover for anyone that calls out. I didn’t want to argue to so I reluctantly agreed. This morning someone called in sick, so now I’m absolutely dreading to go into work. It got to the point where I’m actually avoiding customers so that I don’t have to put up with their…

I’m tired of dealing with customers, especially ones with a laundry list of stuff wrong with their car, and it’s all little things that they can’t even describe, so they get mad at you for not knowing what to do.

I quit that position about a month ago, now I’m back to working the rental desk, giving customer rides home, road testing card after repairs and detailing the rental cars, and I get paid pretty well (although it’s barely enough to cover all my bills).

But because I’m still certified to be a service advisor, my boss wants to cover for anyone that calls out. I didn’t want to argue to so I reluctantly agreed. This morning someone called in sick, so now I’m absolutely dreading to go into work. It got to the point where I’m actually avoiding customers so that I don’t have to put up with their crap.

I hate it when someone else’s problems become my problem, like I’m sorry but you choose to buy a car from a crappy brand, should have bought a Honda or Toyota.

I’m just hoping that my manager doesn’t notice that I’m not at that desk this morning. To be honest though, i don’t care if I get fired or yelled at. Getting fired would be a blessing. My manager is good person…when he’s in a good mood. He’ll do a complete 180 when someone asks to speak with him, he’ll get super mad and sometimes will even yell at you to tell the customer to screw off.

But this is the only place that will pay me what I make doing what I do, so I feel stuck.

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