
quit Tuesday because of awful conditions, boss if fighting with me about hours worked.

Long story short, worked for this company for a while. It's been ok up until very recently, then went to absolute shit. Quit Tuesday walked out after about a hour. Bosses were scrambling since me and the other worker that left the same day. They've been fighting to pay us or last paycheck and even straight up saying they won't pay for the hour we worked on Tuesday since we quit. Any advice for this? We are technically considered 1099 unfortunately if that makes any difference. I've also been paid a dollar less than what my contract states and haven't received bonus that were in the contract as well. I was willing to let those go ans just get our last paycheck to get it over with, but now they're this. The company is registered in CA and maybe TN as well but I'm not sure. Sorry this is a…

Long story short, worked for this company for a while. It's been ok up until very recently, then went to absolute shit. Quit Tuesday walked out after about a hour. Bosses were scrambling since me and the other worker that left the same day. They've been fighting to pay us or last paycheck and even straight up saying they won't pay for the hour we worked on Tuesday since we quit. Any advice for this? We are technically considered 1099 unfortunately if that makes any difference. I've also been paid a dollar less than what my contract states and haven't received bonus that were in the contract as well. I was willing to let those go ans just get our last paycheck to get it over with, but now they're this. The company is registered in CA and maybe TN as well but I'm not sure. Sorry this is a mess, it's been a long week and I'm just trying to get this out.

TLDR: Job trying to not pay for last paycheck, or even hours for me another employee. Need advice for how to handle this.

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