
Quit without notice. Totally the way to go.

I've been in a toxic survival job for a few years while taking care of some family issues and doing my own job search on the down low. The manager I worked under is a bully. I'm a hard worker and as this is a health-care-adjacent job, I put in a lot of unpleasant hours. Evenings. Weekends. Holidays.. you name it, I worked it. I traded shifts with coworkers and did everything I could to help train new employees as they came on board. Still, Toxic Manager (TM) has managed to chase out even the most loyal of employees. Turnover is so bad some of us joke about the revolving door we have. PTO isn't paid out if you leave. So, I have had a lot of motivation to call off sick. The company uses a point system to punish you for clocking in too early, too late, calling off…

I've been in a toxic survival job for a few years while taking care of some family issues and doing my own job search on the down low. The manager I worked under is a bully.
I'm a hard worker and as this is a health-care-adjacent job, I put in a lot of unpleasant hours. Evenings. Weekends. Holidays.. you name it, I worked it. I traded shifts with coworkers and did everything I could to help train new employees as they came on board. Still, Toxic Manager (TM) has managed to chase out even the most loyal of employees. Turnover is so bad some of us joke about the revolving door we have.
PTO isn't paid out if you leave. So, I have had a lot of motivation to call off sick. The company uses a point system to punish you for clocking in too early, too late, calling off sick, etc. And too many points (gasp) means a write up and ineligibility for the quarterly bonus. Bonus money is nice and all, but when half goes to the government for taxes, it loses its magic appeal. Being a team player, I only called off when I was working day shifts. Never the evening or weekends when other would have to cover for me. It's not my fault I have been too stressed to sleep and too sleep deprived to drive safely. While the work can be done from home, TM hates that and refused to allow it. Calling off was my only option.

I landed a new job recently. Doubled my salary overnight. I'm back in my chosen field and really excited by the new job. I can't wait. I start Tuesday.

Toxic Company scheduled me to work July 4th. I already worked last weekend (10.5 hrs each). And we have mandatory overtime this weekend for end of month billing. I also know that staying on a sinking ship doesn't make your fellow passengers less wet. It was time to pull the plug once I got notice that I'm hired and officially through the pre-screen system.

I worked my normal shift yesterday, right up until it was time for me to leave. I then deleted the contents of my hard drive, emptied out my email folders, and tidied my desk area. I then printed a letter of resignation, effective immediately, dropped my ID badge inside the envelope with the letter, and put in on TM's desk on my way out the door.

From what I gather, TM is shocked, shocked that I left like I did. The word is that no one can believe I did this. Who is going to help with end of month billing? The department is already understaffed. My departure made it a lot worse. Who is going to work July 4th?

Not. My. Problem.

Had my manager not been a micromanaging bully, I would have given 2 weeks notice and played nice. Had my company not been miserly and had a policy of deleting all PTO as soon as you turned in notice, I would have given 2 weeks notice and worked until the end to the best of my ability. I am a professional. I am happy to sell my time and skills.

I will not sell my dignity. I will not compromise on being treated like a human being.

I have a 4 day weekend to savor this moment. I wish I could afford to have walked out sooner, but I need these paychecks.

The company made us all sign a policy statement upon hire. It was clearly stated that we worked at will and either we or the company could terminate the work arrangement at any time for any reason and without prior notice.

I included a copy of that with my letter of resignation. It's important to be helpful and make sure TM had all the information on hand. I'm nice like that.

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