
Quit working for a predator.

I apologize for any weird formatting, since this is mobile. I just have to get it off my chest. An underage employee accused my boss of assault. He does drugs on company time, drinks on company time, makes passes on customers, and has groped half the—again, underage—staff, so it's hard to believe his flimsy excuse for what happened. I quit the same night I found out, and convinced every other employee to walk out with me. That man is now the only one left. The employee is pressing charges, but I know a verdict will take time. This is a small town, and my next job offer is directly next door, which he visits frequently. I have no other options since I'm not currently able to drive out of town for work, I just dread him ever coming in and harassing me. He's an angry man who openly carries, and…

I apologize for any weird formatting, since this is mobile. I just have to get it off my chest.

An underage employee accused my boss of assault. He does drugs on company time, drinks on company time, makes passes on customers, and has groped half the—again, underage—staff, so it's hard to believe his flimsy excuse for what happened. I quit the same night I found out, and convinced every other employee to walk out with me.

That man is now the only one left. The employee is pressing charges, but I know a verdict will take time. This is a small town, and my next job offer is directly next door, which he visits frequently. I have no other options since I'm not currently able to drive out of town for work, I just dread him ever coming in and harassing me. He's an angry man who openly carries, and who knows where I live.

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