
Quitting after only couple days notice

Here’s a little background: I’ve been at this job for a couple months and it’s about a 70 mile drive each way (around an hour and 15 minutes) and I work 5 days a week. I don’t know why I took the job with such a long drive but I did. I finally decided that I got tired of paying for all that gas and the tolls and just got tired of the drive in general. So I gave my two weeks notice to my manager and went back to work for a couple days. Here is the fun part, my manager without notifying me went ahead and put me on a new schedule working on the weekend (which I never worked on weekends) and I already had plans for this weekend. I literally found out yesterday on Friday, that I worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I saw that and…

Here’s a little background:

I’ve been at this job for a couple months and it’s about a 70 mile drive each way (around an hour and 15 minutes) and I work 5 days a week. I don’t know why I took the job with such a long drive but I did. I finally decided that I got tired of paying for all that gas and the tolls and just got tired of the drive in general.

So I gave my two weeks notice to my manager and went back to work for a couple days. Here is the fun part, my manager without notifying me went ahead and put me on a new schedule working on the weekend (which I never worked on weekends) and I already had plans for this weekend. I literally found out yesterday on Friday, that I worked Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I saw that and said nope and finished up the day. I went home and wrote an email to my manager and voided my 2 weeks and quit on the spot.

Now my manager saw the email this morning and called me and begged me to come into work because they didn’t have anyone to cover my shift since it was a weekend. I told them that I had plans already and I wouldn’t be able to make those 2 days.

He then proceeds to say “but you agreed to it”. Hold up, when did I agree to it? I literally didn’t have time to even address my manager about it because it was such short notice and we were so busy.

He then started arguing with me and I told him I would give him a call momentarily. I told him I wasn’t coming in and I haven’t responded since. I don’t plan on ever coming back considering I already resigned.

I just had to put this here because I found it really funny that they tried to say I “agreed” to it when I didn’t even know about the new schedule till yesterday and didn’t even get a chance to bring up my concerns to the manager. That was shady as hell.

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