
Quitting because of burnout

Just put in my two weeks today because I am burned out of my job. Its phsyical construction labour and I just dont feel like my soul is well anymore doing this shit. I wake up in the morning literally cursing my alarm clock and how much I dont want to work. Keep in mind, Im well aware the value of my work is worth much more, but it is dependent on a contractor boss recognizing that and not just feeling entitled to your labor. I am the only dude that works for him and essentially handled prep on all sorts of work sites enabling him to take twice the amount of contracts as he had been doing. Had been warned by coworker and manager at my previous job that this guy wasnt necessarily fair and I feel after months their assessment was right. Normally I would have another job…

Just put in my two weeks today because I am burned out of my job. Its phsyical construction labour and I just dont feel like my soul is well anymore doing this shit. I wake up in the morning literally cursing my alarm clock and how much I dont want to work.

Keep in mind, Im well aware the value of my work is worth much more, but it is dependent on a contractor boss recognizing that and not just feeling entitled to your labor. I am the only dude that works for him and essentially handled prep on all sorts of work sites enabling him to take twice the amount of contracts as he had been doing. Had been warned by coworker and manager at my previous job that this guy wasnt necessarily fair and I feel after months their assessment was right.

Normally I would have another job lined up before quitting but honestly I just need to be done. And I need my days to have the time and energy to pursue it.

On the plus side I can now also get paid doing simple touch ups and such in built and reno'd properties (if I ever find people needing work).

I just want more of my time. It feels like theft to work and work and still be unable to meet your needs afterwards. Waiting for a contractor to decide – on a scale they keep to themselves, mind you – when you are able to earn more with no actual timeframe or understanding of what skills will earn you more just feels arbitrary.

I guess im just writing to not feel insane or gaslit from the boomers in my family telling me Im an idiot and have besmirched my good name as a quitter.

Hoping to go back to school or will go into electrical if nothing else works.

My soul and body feel deflated. The majority of my time alive is just goona be spent doing work like that shit and never getting ahead, what is the point? Im near 30 and dont even understand how people find the time, let alone money, to date as adults and shit? I just wanna be able to do something with my time and my days and stop giving my self to others like employers.

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