
Quitting during probation period

So I've been at this workplace for 2ish weeks now, I really love my coworkers and I'm getting to learn a lot… HOWEVER, “management” is an absolute nightmare. I should have paid attention to the red flags like the super high turnover rate, but I didn't. Here's some of the issues I've had: illegal non-compete clause in my contract, zero training and no employee manual, was never informed when payday is (i randomly got a deposit in my account last week), no paystub given (left me on read when i asked for one), the schedule is made super sporadically (like it can either be made a couple days before the next week or it's made 3 weeks in advance with no warning), there's a problematic customer (harassment of myself and the other female employee) that management refuses to ban, oh and my favourite is money is being taken out of…

So I've been at this workplace for 2ish weeks now, I really love my coworkers and I'm getting to learn a lot… HOWEVER, “management” is an absolute nightmare. I should have paid attention to the red flags like the super high turnover rate, but I didn't.

Here's some of the issues I've had: illegal non-compete clause in my contract, zero training and no employee manual, was never informed when payday is (i randomly got a deposit in my account last week), no paystub given (left me on read when i asked for one), the schedule is made super sporadically (like it can either be made a couple days before the next week or it's made 3 weeks in advance with no warning), there's a problematic customer (harassment of myself and the other female employee) that management refuses to ban, oh and my favourite is money is being taken out of my bonus for a sales tablet I accidentally dropped and broke the screen on.

In my contract I'm on a 3 month probation period and there's no stipulation that I need to provide advance notice before quitting…so can I just text/email my manager and inform her that I quit and not show up for my shift tomorrow? I was considering writing a letter but that's too much effort. But also at the same time I want to be snarky and point out the multiple laws that have been broken (ex: no paystub given before being paid).

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