
Quitting looks more appealing every day

I've been with my company for 5 years. It's a small company with about 20 employees in the warehouse and 12 (including myself) in the office. About a year and a half ago I was promoted to middle management as my direct boss had moved out of state and wanted to take a step back from the company, or so he said. Since then, he has gotten significantly worse at micro-managing everything I do. I've been told to CC him on every email I send to “keep him informed”. So I do, but he responds to everything I say in ALL CAPS questioning my decisions. I've asked him to stop replying to all, or to give me a call but it hasn't gotten any better. When I spoke to HR about it she said she would speak with him but nothing ever came of it. At first it was easy…

I've been with my company for 5 years. It's a small company with about 20 employees in the warehouse and 12 (including myself) in the office. About a year and a half ago I was promoted to middle management as my direct boss had moved out of state and wanted to take a step back from the company, or so he said.

Since then, he has gotten significantly worse at micro-managing everything I do. I've been told to CC him on every email I send to “keep him informed”. So I do, but he responds to everything I say in ALL CAPS questioning my decisions. I've asked him to stop replying to all, or to give me a call but it hasn't gotten any better. When I spoke to HR about it she said she would speak with him but nothing ever came of it. At first it was easy to brush off but lately, within the last few months, it's gotten a lot harder to deal with. It's become so bad that other employees have been going to HR about it.

One month ago my grandma died. I sent an email to my boss, the general manager, and HR saying I would be taking a few days off and explaining why. I received condolences from HR and the general manager, but not my boss. Now, something my company has always done (at least in the 5+ years I've worked here) is when someone has a loved one pass away a card goes around and is signed by everyone and is then given to the employee along with some flowers. When I returned from bereavement I did not receive any card. In fact, many of my coworkers did not even know why I was out. It hurt, but I could deal with it.

The punch in the gut came at the end of the week when I received a call from my boss. He asked me to stop by a liquor store and purchase a bottle of wine for our shipping manager on his behalf “to keep her motivated.” He said he was having trouble getting it shipped to the office and needed me to purchase it for him. I was floored. I straight up asked what he was going to do to keep all the other employees motivated. He responded with, “well I sign their paychecks, don't I?” So, I did it. I bought the shipping manager her wine and another bottle for myself and but them both on my expense report.

For the last month since then I have been doing the absolute bare minimum. I come in every day and I do my daily tasks, but I've stopped giving extra projects 100%. I feel unappreciated and unmotivated. I consider quitting daily but really can't afford to and haven't been able to find other jobs that pay as well in my area.

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