
r/antiwork is just proof that no matter how much less we work and how much easier work gets we still complain

Change my mind. Cause all I see is a bunch of people who complain, yet all I remember is how my grandfathers slaved away for an entire family and yet millenials here don't want a family, don't want property, don't want to upkeep their lives, don't want to do dishes, wipe their own asses, etc, yet still want to somehow get paid without doing any work. Funny thing is, even if I quit my job I could still make a decent living farming and/or working with my own hands through carpentry, welding, and other self taught skills, yet the majority of people here couldn't learn how to do something from youtube even if they tried because they are distracted by 30 second dopamine injections. I am confused, so how do you expect to survive? If you don't expect to survive, understandable, have a nice time removing yourself from the gene…

Change my mind. Cause all I see is a bunch of people who complain, yet all I remember is how my grandfathers slaved away for an entire family and yet millenials here don't want a family, don't want property, don't want to upkeep their lives, don't want to do dishes, wipe their own asses, etc, yet still want to somehow get paid without doing any work. Funny thing is, even if I quit my job I could still make a decent living farming and/or working with my own hands through carpentry, welding, and other self taught skills, yet the majority of people here couldn't learn how to do something from youtube even if they tried because they are distracted by 30 second dopamine injections. I am confused, so how do you expect to survive? If you don't expect to survive, understandable, have a nice time removing yourself from the gene pool.

Imo a fair wage is dependent on the market, and if you don't like how capitalism works then go help dictators restore the soviet union. I don't think anyone here actually understands fundamental economics, and how increasing minumum wage or raising wages for mediocre jobs that anyone can do actually helps to devalue the money you are making. Anyone here heard of inlfation? It doesn't happen on its own. Here is an example, imagine you made 100$ a week at work, but food expenses doubled to 200$ a week, so you complain to the government and threaten to riot if they don't do something. So they print money and give you an extra 100$ a week. Well now food expenses go up to 400$ a week because the cost of making said food is more expensive because half the famers quit because now they get free money. This cycle continues until the government is giving you a million dollars a week and you still can't afford anything. For ever dollar that minimum wage goes up, inflation increases. For ever dollar the government gives you for free someone will have to answer.

Oh your boss is an asshole? I dunno, have you tried filling a report with the authorities? You can literally go to the police about workplace harassment and/or abuse, down to even the smallest infraction. You can just “claim to be offended” today and get the police involved. Heck I could go to the police and file a complaint that the sky's color is offensive this morning and they need to do something about it. Oh your job sucks, I dunno, go find another job. I understand that a lot of you here are in such positions. You aren't “against working”, you just don't want to be doing a shitty job. So again, if that is the case, then why is this called Anti-Work, because If you aren't against working, then why aren't you working?

And if you are younger than 25, then I don't think you have enough life experience to understand how much more shitty life gets. You think working is hard, I laugh, because I want to see how you will be without a pension, 401k, or retirement savings of any kind, starving to death while also suffering from bad health. A lot of you talk some big talk about “rather dying than _______” but seriously, you couldn't shoot yourself even if you were threatened to be killed. The vast majority of people simply don't have the balls, including myself, to hurt themselves, and on average it takes a serious mental illness to do so, god help those people, no offense meant to the psychologically impaired.

And lastly, the title of the post. Its funny you know, that working has become easier. We have sophisticated equipment, learning new skills is easier than ever, and landing a job is simply a factor of patience and skillset which again, both are in abundance these days. So the irony is that no matter how much easier work gets to the point where we simply need to clock in and BREATHE and clock out, we still complain. I remember a guy who complained at one of my first jobs, he quit 2 weeks in, didn't even finish basic training. All you had to do was literally walk around and press buttons on various machines and call someone over when something needed to be moved, packaged or what not. You literally didn't do anything and get paid 15$ an hour START, and this was for ever ago. Dude quit because he couldn't work 7a-3p without falling asleep. It was his first job too. I can't imagine how incapable the new workforce is if this was happening many years ago. So no matter how much our work gets automated, improved, and etc, we can't seem to bend our mind to our will and find reasons to complain, not detracting from the genuinely horrifical and sadistic shit that happens to some people at work.

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