
Petco: being punished because customers genuinely do not want vital care… I’m done

Corporate has been really hounding my salon lately about vital care, and today was the last straw. We are doing everything we can, but it's apparently not good enough- there are literally only three of us (2 groomers and me, the bather) doing around 20-25 dogs a day on top of countless responsibilities since we are understaffed and a receptionist is just too outlandish. Starting tomorrow, we will now be written up for every customer not spoken to about VC and grooming perks, and we were made to sign a paper today saying Grooming Perks “IS NOT OPTIONAL”…. They literally want us to force customers to install their garbage app and tell them it is not optional. I am quitting the SECOND I get another job lined up. Fuck you petco.

Corporate has been really hounding my salon lately about vital care, and today was the last straw. We are doing everything we can, but it's apparently not good enough- there are literally only three of us (2 groomers and me, the bather) doing around 20-25 dogs a day on top of countless responsibilities since we are understaffed and a receptionist is just too outlandish. Starting tomorrow, we will now be written up for every customer not spoken to about VC and grooming perks, and we were made to sign a paper today saying Grooming Perks “IS NOT OPTIONAL”…. They literally want us to force customers to install their garbage app and tell them it is not optional.

I am quitting the SECOND I get another job lined up. Fuck you petco.

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