
Racism and blatant discrimination at work (Long read)

Don’t know how to write this because I didn’t think it would come to this I'm writing this just after me and my girlfriend was fired. So excuse the grammatical errors as I'm livid. Me and my partner started working at this Hotel called The Gracellies in the Isle of Wight (for those of you who don’t know where that is, it’s a small island off the south coast  in the UK) We’re originally both from London and decided to work here for a bit. (We're both the only minorities within a 70 mile radius to put into perspective) Coming into this job I was apparently supposed to be the main bartender and my girlfriend was the new receptionist. After working here we found out there is this show called Hotel Inspectors (S17 E02) which featured the hotel. The episode speaks for itself about what the hotel is like. As someone who…

Don’t know how to write this because I didn’t think it would come to this I'm writing this just after me and my girlfriend was fired. So excuse the grammatical errors as I'm livid.

Me and my partner started working at this Hotel called The Gracellies in the Isle of Wight (for those of you who don’t know where that is, it’s a small island off the south coast  in the UK) We’re originally both from London and decided to work here for a bit. (We're both the only minorities within a 70 mile radius to put into perspective)

Coming into this job I was apparently supposed to be the main bartender and my girlfriend was the new receptionist. After working here we found out there is this show called Hotel Inspectors (S17 E02) which featured the hotel. The episode speaks for itself about what the hotel is like. As someone who was relatively new to bar tendering (one month experience) it didn’t take me long to realize the unprofessional nature about the workplace and how everything was done in an incompetent manner. My first day on the job I set out on my own initiative to work and clean out the stock room and take notes of everything we had in there because inventory tracking is important. 

Furthermore there was no structure or cleaning regiment when it came to open and closing the bar as evident it was infested with fruit flies. I sought out in my time to plan a hygiene check list when other employees where on shift that they could follow. This practice wasn’t fulfilled and my frustration grew further with management because of how it wasn’t prioritized by other employees who have been working there before I started. I also took the time to implement a cashing out spreadsheet system that gets filled out, so we can monitor how much goes in an out of the till after every shift minimizing any potential theft.

Incident 1 – There are these locals who frequently come to the bar religiously, more specifically pensioners (two white couples).The type of people who act nice to your face but complain and moan about everything. Bare in mind the assistant manager in training is close with them and always drink with them off shift. There was a day I overheard whilst they were outside bad mouthing me and talking about how I’m terrible at my job whilst my colleague was encouraging that behavior. (At this point my girlfriend put a formal complaint against her because she was micromanaging her and that she was making horrible comments about us in general) 

As naive as I was we both ignored the childish talking because I thought they’re old pensioners and all they do is complain anyways so I left it at the time. 

Incident 2 – busy bar top serving drinks lady 1 is also sitting there whilst I’m serving drinks (she has hers already). She reports me to the assistant manager in training that I wasn’t giving her any attention. To which I replied, as you can see the bar is busy she doesn’t deserve my attention anymore than the other customers here. (Already getting a sense of self entitlement)

I’m starting to see a pattern that they just don’t like me because I’m black. Which is disgusting because I never try to play that card and always give the benefit of the doubt to people because I’d rather not think that they’re racist and that they don’t like me for my personality. 

Incident 3 – fast forward to the queens funeral which we was playing at the bar. The two couples came in all dressed in black (they’re huge royalists and an outspoken Tory Government supporters) Now Lady number 1 who reported me before orders her usual  (Large Pinot Grigio) she complained at how I poured it into the smaller glass (175ml) when she wanted it in a bigger glass thinking she was getting ripped off. I told her I'm sorry but all of the larger glasses are in use and assured her that it is exactly the same I used a 250ml measuring cup to pour it into a similar glass to shut her up.

On my day off I receive a text from the same colleague asking me to come because she wanted to ask for something. Didn’t think anything off it but in my mind I knew it was something to do with Lady 1. She proceeds to ask me that when I pour the wine do I measure it. I proceed to then tell her is this about Lady 1 and that incident yesterday? she didn't want to comment on it, so I said well if you'd known yourself those glasses that I poured it into can contain 250ml measurement to prove it I told her pour it yourself and check. She was dumbfounded and had no other excuse. I then told her how it was unprofessional to call me in on my day off (attach images) for something so pathetic, and that she had no right referring to incident 2 regarding this same person and that I was to report her to the manager. To which I did, I explained to the manager how I was being discriminated by these locals and the assistant manager in training, showed her proof on how she called me in on my day off for something she was wrong on. She told me she will deal with it.

Staff meeting – Manager addresses the complaints I raised at the bar when it came to hygiene and overall cleanliness. She also mentions she likes my progress and that I could do potential bar management training.

Knowing this I took my own initiative and tried to get myself ahead of the curve, I started reading books on bar management and stock inventory reports COGS etc. Whilst I was learning on the go I compiled detailed spreadsheets on the stock that we currently have the stuff we was selling. It didn't take me too long to figure out the bar was wasting thousands of pounds by not keeping up with inventory (dead stock) and how much they were selling the products for in relation to how much they purchased it for. I contacted their supplier because apparently it was impossible for them to get detailed price listings of everything they purchased. It took me a couple of phone calls.

I called up a meeting with my manager presenting all of my findings and what action needs to take place to prevent losing substantial amount of money consistently. The person who is in charge of the ordering is the assistant manager in training. I expressed how there is no 'Rhyme or Reason' for what she orders and that what shes doing is wasting money on expensive products that get counted as dead stock in the inventory report. The manager agreed with what I presented to her, but I assured her that a structure needs to be put in place I asked her if I can print out a daily hygiene check list for opening/closing and address it in the group chat so all of the other staff members can adhere to and follow. She hesitated and told me she will mention it in the next staff meeting.

Incident 4 – After a short visit to London to see my family which was unfortunate because I got ill and had to go to the doctors. On the day that I returned Man 2 and Lady 2 was at the bar whilst I was serving them they inquired about my London trip and I told them the situation and how the doctors took forever. Man 2 (Vocal Tory supporter) starts ranting and saying 'Yea the reason why it took so long for you to get to the doctors is because of these immigrants who come over and abuse the system'. These individuals firmly drank the Murdoch Kool Aid. (My mother came to the UK in the late 80s there was no way I was going to stand for any racist rhetoric against people who travel for an opportunity of a better life regardless of race/sex/gender) I told Man 2 the NHS is critically underfunded and it has nothing to do with a few immigrants on a rubber dingy trying to get a better life. He then replies with 'Do you know how many Iranians came in last week?' '30,000'.

I said that's actually racist, you're blaming 30 thousands Iranian's for the horrid conditions of the NHS, and if you did your research you'd realize the bulk of people who work in the NHS are foreigners? I told him to stop worshiping 'The Daily Mail'

During that shift they slated me around the assistant manager in training, who is not on shift by the way. They said the tables haven't been wiped, the orders haven't been taking in and the ashtrays haven't been emptied (Now remember its my first day back after almost two weeks) I deliberately left those things when I came into shift to show the manager how these things don't get done if there is no structure in place remember at this point I've addressed this cleanliness problem and the lack of work ethic by these other staff members. Yet I'm the one accountable for all of these problems when everyone else can stand for hours and collect a paycheck. Another bar tender who consistently came into work getting drunk and making an embarrassment of herself hasn't even been fired, but merely given a warning. They even had to put measures in place because of her which was staff members are only allowed three drinks limit if they're off shift.

I'm absolutely livid at this point so I message the manager how again I'm being discriminated and that they're blatantly openly racist and that the assistant manager in training is still perpetuating that behavior. She told me why didn't I fight back when they were talking about me. The hotel recently updated their surveillance system which now has audio I was uncomfortable with that but the manager assured me in any case of abuse this will be proof. (Invasive surveillance always being justified by it being for your own protection xD) knowing this I told her all the proof is there for you to see I don't need to incriminate myself and referred back to her what she told me when they got installed. I don't need to do anything but maintain my professionalism because if I get baited then id just be 'The angry aggressive stereotypical 'black man'.

So today me and my girlfriend was called into a meeting to which the manager fired us both for reasons of lack of customer service which the owner told her to say, we work in two completely different departments, and in the short time we've worked here we've had pleasant reviews from hotel guests. The only two minority employees, we both filed complaints about discrimination and racism beforehand yet this is how we're treated for speaking out? I just want anyone who plans on ever coming down here to avoid this place at all costs and take the time to watch that episode on Youtube.

TLDR – Girlfriend and I raised multiple discrimination complaints wasn't adhered to and then lead to our firing.

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