
Raise my butt!

I need to vent so thank you in advance for reading this and letting me get this off my chest to the good ol' internet. I'm on mobile so apologies for all the things. On with the vent! For context, I (29F) left the IT world to start a new career (that I'm still at now) in mortgage. I took the role due to a struggle finding a new job during the pandemic since my IT job decided to fire everyone. Very rude! Anyway, all I was hired to do at my new job was make sure all the things are signed, email people to tell people to sign things, then send those things to the assigned bank for loans. That's the super short version of my job. 4 months in the person hired to give the receptionist breaks complained they didn't like the receptionist break duty so of course…

I need to vent so thank you in advance for reading this and letting me get this off my chest to the good ol' internet. I'm on mobile so apologies for all the things. On with the vent!

For context, I (29F) left the IT world to start a new career (that I'm still at now) in mortgage. I took the role due to a struggle finding a new job during the pandemic since my IT job decided to fire everyone. Very rude!
Anyway, all I was hired to do at my new job was make sure all the things are signed, email people to tell people to sign things, then send those things to the assigned bank for loans. That's the super short version of my job. 4 months in the person hired to give the receptionist breaks complained they didn't like the receptionist break duty so of course with my sexy luck, I get voluntold to do it. It's expected that I do my work and the receptionist work at the same time. This is possible on slow reception days but on busy days for me and receptionist duty it's nearly impossible. I mentioned to my boss that is I'm stuck doing two jobs which also includes doing the work of the slackers in my own position (which is a whole other story) I should get some kind of bonus or something. A year and a half later we are told we all are getting something special. All us broke $14/hr busy bees expect that surprise to be a raise or bonus. This surprise ended up being a book complete with homework assignments on how to fake being successful, confident, and so on. This alone pissed me off and I'm planning to sell the book since it costs more than I make an hour. Fast forward to today and we're required to go to a monthly meeting with the author of the book to learn all the crap he wrote about. I'm waiting to hear from several companies I applied to especially after this.
Thanks for reading! Fell free to let me know what you think about this whole situation! Or don't, I don't care. I just needed to vent and this helped lol

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