
Raise That Was Promised…

Hey guys, looking for your opinion. It's a little longer post, but bear with me… I'm working at this company for more than two years. I was a basic warehouse worker. After a year, I got the job for full time, with a 10% raise. 6-7 months in, the Head of Domestic Land Transport offered me a job in dispatch. No raise, only a “promotion” (better working conditions). Problem was, the job was very stressful (controlling and organizing 23 drivers), had no night-shift and no paid overtime (so effectively less pay than before). On top of all that, the Head of Domestic Land Transport was abusive to me. For those reason I snapped and quit 6 months in the job. Instead of letting me leave, the HR depatment and my Head of Domestic Transport suggested that I can return to the warehouse but with a new title (again, promotion) to…

Hey guys, looking for your opinion. It's a little longer post, but bear with me…

I'm working at this company for more than two years. I was a basic warehouse worker. After a year, I got the job for full time, with a 10% raise.

6-7 months in, the Head of Domestic Land Transport offered me a job in dispatch. No raise, only a “promotion” (better working conditions). Problem was, the job was very stressful (controlling and organizing 23 drivers), had no night-shift and no paid overtime (so effectively less pay than before). On top of all that, the Head of Domestic Land Transport was abusive to me.

For those reason I snapped and quit 6 months in the job. Instead of letting me leave, the HR depatment and my Head of Domestic Transport suggested that I can return to the warehouse but with a new title (again, promotion) to Warehouse Shift Leader.  I accepted, because of the experience and affinity towards the job (also to fill my CV). The Head of Domestic said he will talk with the CEO about a raise. Later, he came back to me saying that I must wait until I prove myself in the new position to get a raise. Said two months.

Now, a month has passed and I think I proved myself. In the meantime the CEO offered me two different office positions (“it's better for you longterm”), but again without raise and no fixed working hours, so I declined the offers.

I want to talk about my raise, but don't know who to ask, because I effectively have 3 supervisors: Head of Warehouse, the before mentioned Head of Domestic Transport, and the CEO.

Maybe the best course of action is to go to the Head of Domestic, who promised me the raise, but I'm anxious, don't like the guy and have a feeling he will again try to trick me again somehow.

I'm disgusted with this stupid bureaucracy and all the hoops I have to go through just to get a $100 more monthly, which I deserve.

What would you do? Could you please help me in my situation? Don't really have experiece with business negotiations. Thanks.

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