

I’m one class away from having a bachelors degree and I’ve been searching for a job for a few months. I had one for like 2 weeks and they fired me on my second day post training. And I had covid for a week and a half and that put me behind too, but either way I’m struggling. (I also have depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and possibly something else yet to be diagnosed) My family (stepdad really) thinks that I should just take a minimum wage job like McDonalds. I told him if I had to take a job at McDonald’s I would likely kill myself. He didn’t take that well and thought I was being dramatic, and maybe it seems like that but I know my own limits and I can’t do minimum wage fast food stuff when I’ve done higher learning to AVOID that. Also, his response to…

I’m one class away from having a bachelors degree and I’ve been searching for a job for a few months. I had one for like 2 weeks and they fired me on my second day post training. And I had covid for a week and a half and that put me behind too, but either way I’m struggling. (I also have depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and possibly something else yet to be diagnosed)

My family (stepdad really) thinks that I should just take a minimum wage job like McDonalds. I told him if I had to take a job at McDonald’s I would likely kill myself. He didn’t take that well and thought I was being dramatic, and maybe it seems like that but I know my own limits and I can’t do minimum wage fast food stuff when I’ve done higher learning to AVOID that. Also, his response to me wanting to kill myself was to think about how everyone else would feel, which is fair when coming from someone who actually cares and not some nob that would rather me suffer a shitty life to “let me learn about the real world” (he refuses to acknowledge that I’m ill in any way and just thinks I’m lazy)

I know how minimum wage workers are treated, I was one for like 4 years, but fast foods a whole other thing. I wouldn’t be able to handle being treated terribly for scraps after putting in my all to my education and then treated like crap at home too. (It’s also a whole other thing that he believes fast food jobs are for teens and shouldn’t have their wages raised, I’m almost 24btw)

I just know for a fact that I would feel the worst I’ve felt by working a job like that because I’ll feel like a failure. It will make my depression and anxiety worse and I’m positive it’ll result in me doing something drastic to avoid that. Like what’s the point in those years I wasted in college? Wasn’t college suppose to help me get a decent job? I don’t wanna be pointed at and have parents tell their children to go to college or they’ll end up flipping burgers, I WENT TO COLLEGE.

Im also just not mentally stable enough for that, I just recently had a meltdown because my glasses were broken by accident. But because I’m and adult I need to “pick myself up by the bootstraps and get a job” (he also has been making me leave during the day to physically look for a job, won’t accept me working for less than 40 hours, and also won’t let me run my own business(I’m an artist and could easily sell the things I make but that’s not a “real” job))

I haven’t been applying for anything crazy either; hosts at restaurants, hotel receptionist, hell even gas stations! Though I got rejected BY A GAS STATION. I know it’s not just me and my degree that are struggling, there’s lots of other people out there is positions exactly like me; needing a job and seemingly having a worthless degree.

Maybe I’m entitled but I have to blame that somewhat on my parents; they forced me to go to college, was never a choice. They insisted it’ll help me get a job, and they’re were wrong.

I just can’t do fast food, always refused to do it even when I graduated high school because I knew I would hate it. I can’t do factory work either (my chronic pain is that I grown cysts on my organs and they can rupture and cause me intense pain) so 12 hours on my feet moving stuff seems like a horrible match to me.

Thanks for reading my rant, have a good day

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